beauty shui 101

during a recent podcast interview, i was asked: “can Feng Shui apply to everything – like the clothes you wear, your daily routines, the foods you eat…?” and the answer was yes, yes, and YES!

the question got me thinking about beauty routine tips i’ve learned from teachers and mentors that i often use myself and share with my clients, so how about a peek into that swag bag?


i used this one for a client years ago, and i kid you not, she sent me a photo of her getting on a private jet for a weekend getaway within weeks of doing this! it’s called the *Hairstyle Method* – and some of my more ‘serious’ mentors use it all the time, so i assure you this is not frivolous!

from my own notes: it is believed to eliminate obstacles that stand between you and the partner of your dreams. as you change your hairstyle, you are letting go of fixed ideas, changing your habits, and having some fun; any of which might have been a stumbling block to attracting the right partner.

to do this, change your hairstyle and wear it that way for 3 days. this could be pulling it back, if you always wear it down; parting your hair down the middle, if a side-part is your signature style – you get the idea!

visualize that all obstacles to finding your partner have been removed. this isn’t about visualizing a specific person or a person with specific physical attributes; rather, visualize – in detail – the attributes you’d LOVE to find in a partner. continue with this for 15 days – which will total 5 different hairstyles. 


this one i learned from Lillian Too…

wearing blush on your cheeks infuses your face with yang energy, and yang energy enhances your career and relationship luck! simple enough, yes?


wear a little yellow – one of EARTH’s colors – every day. this doesn’t need to be complicated – find something small that you can easily wear daily, like a yellow-gold necklace, yellow lingerie, or a small piece of citrine you carry with you! yellow is also said to catch people’s attention, so if you dare wear it more visibly, know that its EARTH energy will attract steady, grounded types – perfect if you’re in pursuit of a partner.


my clients and students will tell you i LOVE a good layering of shui, which this ritual serves up!

mirrors double what they reflect, so state your intentions and aspirations with conviction in the mirror as you prepare for the day. make it a lighted makeup mirror, and you’ve got another chi enhancer in the mix working its magic for you and your life!

and then…

smile when you pass that mirror.

say kind things to yourself every time you catch your reflection.

once your chi is glowing (times two) around the clock, the more irresistible you are to everything you desire!


my first mentor and teacher, Ellen Whitehurst, suggested this to me during a conversation we had more than a decade ago. so, directly from my notes, the ‘tip’ is this:

find a photo of YOU that you LOVE. mount it on blue construction or colored paper. place it in a wood frame, and place the frame in the Skills / Knowledge area (of your home, your office, or any room that caters to this addition well). leave it out for at least 9 days. this concoction reinforces self-love practices and strengthens beliefs of our inherent self-worth. you can finish reading here what happened when i did this for the first time! xo