birds = good luck!
“Seeing feathers on the ground, no matter what kind, is a reminder you’re being closely watched and guided on the spiritual plane, and a confirmation you are exactly where you need to be.”
I don’t remember the source of that wisdom – but I do recall coming across it serendipitously over quarantine (and writing it down) when I was finding so many feathers on my daily walks.
as someone who could probably be considered a ‘birder’, I am often sharing with clients and students ways to bring their auspicious energy into spaces.
in shui, birds are seen as harbingers of good luck; they are revered as messengers and guides; and they certainly can be the nudge (or sign) we need to break free from our limiting beliefs.
if you’re someone, too, that finds feathers everywhere – maybe you keep them around your home – then today’s note will absolutely delight you.

here are my 5 of my favorite ways to work with bird energy:
no. 1: hang a bird feeder
birds are a powerful symbol of opportunities, so keeping their company attracts financial invitations, auspicious news, and fabulous business and career luck. with a little bird seed, you ensure the birds (and all that luck) keep coming back.
no. 2: create a trail of bird seed
if you don’t have a bird feeder, sprinkling a little seed along your front pathway works, too. start at the curb or street and lead the seed to your front door (or the front door of your building – and everyone can thank you later!).
no. 3: keep a couple bird feathers in your car
plain and simple, their company is protective while you’re out and about!
no. 4: install a bird bath (or bird house) in the Wealth / Prosperity area of your yard.
there’s so much goodness at play here, but your quick takeaway is this:
when we entice living chi to the Wealth area, we begin accumulating ‘fresh deposits’ of energetic abundance. it is also suggestive of ample resources and ‘things taking off’. perhaps my favorite ‘win’ here, though, is that hearing birdsong has been proven to calm us down – and when it comes to wealth, it’s a perfect match!
no. 5: try the 100 Bird Cure
I LOVE this ritual any time of year, but particularly encourage it when it’s time to sell your home. all this collective luck (at the front door) is believed to usher in a quick sale!
and on that note…
if you are curious to learn more about bird feathers – like how we work with them in clearings – my course dives into those conversations, so come on over and join us! there are some pretty FAB surprises in store, too, for everyone enrolled (so if that is YOU, stay tuned!) xo